So I Was Wrong. The Aqua+ IS Important and We Should Have Been Using It….


I recently wrote about the fact that Sonya never needed the Aqua+ accessory (which make her processors waterproof). Summer sprinklers and the occasional dip in the pool never had an effect on Sonya’s processors (and if it did, I just popped them in the Zephyr dryer overnight).

Some readers were baffled by my seeming lack of concern about damaging the processors. The thing is, I just don’t like the Aqua+ silicone sleeves. They are bulky and way too large for Sonya’s little ears. My thinking was that her enjoying water activities (and its sounds) outweighed the risk of damaging equipment (which was still under warranty). However, now that she is swimming every weekend, we have learned the hard way that she really does need this accessory.

After her first swim class (which is definitely more water-intense than just splashing in the pool with friends), one of the CIs stopped working. I placed it in the Zephyr. Still nothing. I restarted the device, which worked temporarily, but then failed again. Ultimately, we had to replace the processors.

So yeah, I admit I was wrong. Clearly it’s important to put the processors in the sleeves, but the question remains: how do we keep the sleeved processors (now heavier and larger) on little Sonya’s head while she swims?

While I love the RubyBands swim headband for its look and for light water use, it stretched when drenched with water and then didn’t stay on Sonya’s head well. So I purchased the Headbands for Sophia Swim Headbands for Aqua+. This is a perfect option. Made of neoprene fabric (also used for wet suits) the headband is sturdy yet flexible. The loops are larger, so they fit the processors fitted with the Aqua+ sleeves perfectly/snugly.

While we have the headband situation fixed, I am now looking for a swim cap that will will 1. keep Sonya’s hair relatively dry as we head into the winter months; and 2. That will also not be too tight so that it is possible to fit on her head over the devices/headband. It can be so frustrating getting this gear on our squirmy kids’ heads, really… Currently, Sonya is using her old swim cap from the JCC Manhattan, which keeps everything in place, but does little to keep her head dry. I purchased the TYR Wrinkle Free Junior Silicone Swim Cap, but not sure if it will do the trick (it arrives later this week). Please do let me know if you have a solution that has worked with your kiddos!

Just keep swimming!

Author: Missy Kvitko

Born in Fargo, North Dakota, I grew up in Minnesota. After graduating from Macalester College in 2004, I moved to New York City. For 10 years I worked in the field of public relations, representing professional services firms and financial services (in particular alternative asset managers) In 2014, my life changed dramatically with the birth of my first child, Sonya Rose. Born with severe to profound hearing loss. Sonya's care has become my full time job. It is also the best job I have ever had. My husband, Sonya and I live in Manhattan. Please feel free to email me anytime at, or find me on instagram (@mmkvitko) and twitter (@HearSonyaRose). Thank you so much for reading.

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